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For more than 40 years, the Center for Accelerated Technology Training and its readySC™ program have been recognized as one of the nation’s premier economic development training programs. We are ready to help organizations start-up quickly and efficiently in today’s competitive environment providing custom designed solutions such as workforce recruiting and testing, 课程及教材开发, innovative training design and delivery and experienced project management throughout the entire process—all of this at little to no cost for our client organizations.

readySC™ is ready to provide companies relocating to or expanding in South Carolina with our unparalleled start-up expertise, 我们真正定制的培训解决方案, our innovative training delivery and our never-ending commitment to responsiveness and flexibility.

For more than 40 years, the Center for Accelerated Technology Training and its readySC™ program have been recognized as one of the nation’s premier economic development training programs. We are ready to help organizations start-up quickly and efficiently in today’s competitive environment by providing custom designed solutions. 这包括劳动力招聘和测试, 课程及教材开发, innovative training design and delivery and experienced project management throughout the entire process—all at little to no cost for our client organizations.

readySC™ is ready to provide companies relocating to or expanding in South Carolina with our unparalleled start-up expertise, 我们真正定制的培训解决方案, our innovative training delivery and our never-ending commitment to responsiveness and flexibility.

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Colleges and Universities

Orangeburg County, South Carolina is home to three major educational institutions that mold the local workforce into one of the most sought-after and competitive labor pools in the southeast. 奥兰治堡卡尔霍恩技术学院, Claflin University, and South Carolina State University have an alliance that fosters educational excellence in the local workforce, 培养一批技术先进的潜在员工. 奥兰治堡也是南卫理公会学院的所在地.


The mission of 奥兰治堡卡尔霍恩技术学院 (OCtech) is to provide quality and affordable comprehensive education programs that will have a positive social and economic impact on the lives of the citizens of Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties and the state of South Carolina.奥兰治堡卡尔霍恩技术学院 is an associate degree-awarding two-year public institution. As an open admissions institution, 它为来自主要农村地区的不同背景和能力水平的学生提供服务, enrolling approximately 2,900 – 3,300 credit students and 3,000 non-credit students annually. 奥兰治堡-卡尔霍恩技术学院重视其课程的质量和有效性, 在书院运作各方面推广诚信标准. The College seeks success of each student in an environment that provides opportunity for lifelong learning in a complex, global society.

The College’s goal is to serve as a conduit for community and economic development opportunities by providing a well-trained workforce. Specifically, OCTech的学习项目包括商科, computer technology, engineering technology, general education, health sciences, industrial technology, nursing, and public service. In addition, students can earn college credits that can be transferred to a four-year institution.

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Claflin University

Founded in 1869, Claflin University is an independent, liberal arts, co-educational, 隶属于联合卫理公会教会的历史悠久的黑人机构. 它致力于卓越的教育,不分性别地培养学生, race, religion or ethnic origin. 它致力于提供高质量的本科课程, select graduate programs, 以及可行的继续教育机会.At the undergraduate level, the University ensures that students receive a liberal arts education that is designed to develop men and women of vision who demonstrate extraordinary achievement, 独特的自信和终身渴望改变社会思想的无私领导. 学生可以获得丰富的学术经验, 在他们选择的学科上有一个彻底的基础, 重要的研究和实习项目以及有价值的社区服务活动. Undergraduates are encouraged to understand and appreciate religious and cultural values in a universal context. Claflin honor’s the University’s heritage by providing life changing educational and personal opportunities for all her students.

At the graduate level, students are provided instruction to enhance the analytical and comprehensive research acumen necessary for professional growth and leadership. Continuing education programs create avenues for students to complete their educational objectives and develop skills necessary to advance their careers, 他们明确的目标和实现个人成就.

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South Carolina State University

自1896年以来,im体育下载立大学一直保持着卓越的教育传统. 它是一代又一代学者和商界领袖的家园, military service, government, athletics, education, medicine, science, engineering technology and more. Located in Orangeburg, S.C., SC State was founded as a land grant college with a mission of providing education and service to the citizens of the state. In its first century, 南卡州立大学是教育领域的领导者,并将继续引领下一个世纪.South Carolina State University is committed to providing affordable and accessible quality undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

Enrollment is approximately 4,800人拥有60个应用专业科学领域的学士学位课程, arts and humanities, business, education, 以及工程技术和科学. 在教学、人类服务和农业综合企业方面提供硕士水平的课程. Moreover, State is one of three universities in South Carolina to offer a doctoral program in Educational Administration and one of two schools in the state to offer an accredited master’s degree program in Speech-Language Pathology. 学生们还享受了在加纳和多米尼加共和国的暑期留学项目.

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Southern Methodist College

A private, four-year, coeducational college, Southern Methodist College is located near Orangeburg’s Edisto Memorial Gardens on a 50-acre estate. 1961年,学院从南卡罗来纳的艾肯搬迁到奥兰治堡. 学院的整体结构旨在发展通识教育, intellectual abilities, Bible knowledge, spiritual maturity, ministry, 通过学术指导培养领导能力, experimental learning, and career development.Visit Website

Orangeburg’s Technology Center 还提供广泛的课程, 包括卫生和公共服务, culinary arts, health science technology, accounting, business administration, computer technology, marketing, industrial engineering, and computer-related design (CAD). In addition, 技术中心是远程学习中心的所在地, 哪个有互动视频制作设施和短距离学习工作室.


There are over 16,3个公立学区(第3区)的1万名学生, 4, and 5) throughout Orangeburg County. Within these three districts, there are 17 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 8 high schools – all with programs designed to help pupils meet their full potential as students, citizens, and future employees. The overall mission of the public school system in Orangeburg County is to ensure that all students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their goals and become contributing members of the community. 为了实现这一目标,该县在每个学生身上的花费高于全州平均水平. 这就是为什么奥兰治堡县学校的学生不仅受到挑战, 但他们也享受学习的过程.

Orangeburg School District 3
三区的校训是“团队合作教育”.” Together with the mission, “To ensure that all students possess the skills necessary to be lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens in a global society by providing challenging experiences in a safe and nurturing environment,该地区能够达到以下目标:

  • Excellence
  • Collaboration
  • Accountability
  • Technology

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Orangeburg School District 4
District 4’s mission is to “develop creative problem solvers and critical thinkers by providing a variety of innovative, 在安全环境下的教育经历, 让学生在瞬息万变的世界中发挥最大潜能.” The District offers

  • 具有视频会议功能的远程学习
  • Student/computer ratio of 5:1
  • Reduced class size in grades 1-3
  • World-class facilities and
  • 丰富的课外活动选择.

In addition, 该地区是科普地区职业中心的所在地, 哪个学校提供8个职业领域的最新课程, including

  • Automotive technology,
  • Building construction,
  • Cisco networking I & II,
  • Computer-aided drafting,
  • Cosmetology,
  • Health occupations,
  • Industrial electricity,
  • Masonry construction, and
  • Welding & metal fabrication technology.

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Orangeburg School District 5
第五区努力满足不断变化的需求, 技术复杂的世界和工作场所. It’s mission is to “ensure a high quality education for all students by providing challenging learning opportunities.”

In addition, the district has implemented a new International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. This program is available to the district’s brightest and most highly motivated students and is recognized by prestigious colleges and universities throughout the world.

南卡罗来纳教育部实施了一项 “Report Card” 监督各州学区教育进步的系统. 要查看最新的成绩单,请点击相应的地区.

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Private Education
私立学校系统提供了另一种教育选择. 全县共有十一所私立学校,三所幼儿园, four grade schools (1 through 8), 还有四所从一年级到十二年级的学校. 这些学校因其大学毕业生的比例而备受赞誉.


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